Tuesday, 2 October 2012

How to exhaust a working mother.

Oh. My. God. I'm. So. Tired.

Bad nights sleep, Andréa coughing and in between that H was snoring. At work a lot of people were sick which means the rest of us had to work harder and more. My patients were hard to examine for different reasons that I can't explain here and a few of them late so I was always stressing to be in time for the next patient.

I ran to daycare, got the kids and noticed that my extra energy boost, that I really need after running over 11 km, was gone! Somebody ate my raisins that I secretly hidden under the stroller for me and the girls to snack on on our way home! I called H and asked him, while walking really fast home and he answered that he thought it was something I forgot in the stroller and he removed it!

After arriving home Andréa did a big poop. I just started cooking and had to put her in the shower, washing her butt while I fried chicken. Great! Then Lovisa seemed to think it was a good idea to bring her potty to the living room (I shouldn't have put the Pippi  DVD on...) to poop there. And after she thought it was an even better idea to put her toy car in the potty inside the pile of shit. OK, bye, bye toy car. There are limits to what I do in the middle of cooking, cleaning a toy car from poop is not and option.

After having supper, giving the girls their bath (Lovisa insisting on wearing her own made necklace in the water), they went mental, ran around the apartment screaming whereupon H was swearing and I was holding my hands over my ears. Then bottle time, reading time and of to bed. Lovisa wanted to poop again. Then she wanted to pee again. Then they finally fell asleep and H sat down in the couch exhaling saying "Oh. My. God.". Sums the day up pretty good I would say.



  1. Hjälp! Man glömmer fort... Kul att Lovisa strålar som en sol på kortet. Ganska talande.

  2. Åh herregud, jag blev trött bara av att läsa om din dag. Puh. Fast det där med leksaksbilen var ju rätt kul ;) Jag räddade en mjuk boll från att hamna i toaletten häromdagen... Kram Lena B

  3. Katarina: Lovisa är stolt som en tupp över sitt egengjorda halsband :).

    Lena: om några år tycker nog jag också det är ett kul minne ;)!
