Saturday 6 October 2012

Boring beautiful weekend.

It never turns out the way you planned it, especially not when you have two tiny toddlers. Today we were suppose to enjoy the beautiful autumn day, the sun has been shining, the sky has been deep blue and the colors amazing. But Lovisa got a fever after breakfast and we got stuck in the apartment. We all feel a bit sick and the day has been a struggle to get through. Lovisa collapsed before lunch and slept almost three hours, that never happens anymore, so she was definitely not herself.

But after the nap she's been pretty energetic and after a supper containing of a big portion of chicken with potatoes and two portions of icecream (we have that rule, if you're sick with a fever, you have almost unlimited access to icecream) she's been impossible to get to sleep. And H and me are just waiting for that, so we can start seeing the first season of "Six feet under" and eat a ridiculously huge amount of icecream ourselves. We finally realized that a good TV-series is exactly what we need instead of falling asleep in front of a movie... Hope it's entertaining, did you see it?


  1. Six feet under is one of mine all favourite tv series. But I wouldn't put it in tje "fun" departement". It(s so well written.

  2. I really like it, after just seeing 2 episodes!
