Thursday 9 August 2012

I hate swimming!

Just to do something instead of running I dragged my ass to the indoor swimmingpool yesterday evening. It's ironic we never went since it only takes two minutes to walk there. Once again I got a remainder that I don't like to swim indoor with a bunch of people I don't know. It's boring, it's slow and I always get irritated on people swimming very slow. It's a hassle to go around them and shame on you if you by mistake touch somebody's leg when you try to swim pass them... But it's good for you and very gentle on all your joints and wrists. The best thing with swimming is definitely when it's over and you can stretch out in the sauna, then it's all worth it!

Today is another boring day and the rain is hanging in the air. I realized early that it's not an option to stay in so we defied the weather gods and went out for a few hours before lunch. It's true what we say in Sweden: "det finns inget dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder" ("there's no bad weather, only bad clothes" - sounds better in Swedish since it rhyme). The girls love the wet, muddy daub to their poor mothers big disappointment.


  1. hahahahahhhhaaa...oh love it = )!
    jag asgarvade nar jag laste den sista biten ...stammer sa bra in = )!
    happy happy weekend to you all!
    kram maarit

  2. Trevlig helg till dig och de dina Maarit! Kram!

  3. Å, jag känner precis likadant när det gäller simning. Folk som är i vägen, simmar för sakta eller är irriterande på andra sätt. Hoppas du kan börja springa snart igen!

  4. Kajsa: ja hur nyttigt och skonsamt det än är så är det tamejtusan inte värt det... svullnaden nästan borta, crosstrainer införskaffad, nu kör vi!

  5. Ha ha, känner väl igen scenen i "plaskpoolen"! Kladda runt i lera och plaska i vattenpölar är höjden av lycka för våra små också. /Anja
