Saturday 4 August 2012

A fresh start.

I so much want a fresh start this fall. It feels like I'm standing before a great change in my life, the children are slowly getting bigger and I'm going back to work. I want to reach out from my maternity bubble and feel how it's like on the other side. I think you know what I mean when I say that - I want to feel good about myself, not only as a mother.

That's why I force myself, at least two times a week, to go out and run. Today was terrible, I was dead tired after a bad night (both me and Andréa had trouble sleeping) and it was one of the hottest days this summer, but I did it! And today I went to see a esthetician for the first time in my life. I've had problems with my skin for many years but never really got around to do anything proper about it. She looked at me with big eyes when I told her I never did skin treatments or consulted a esthetician before. I bought new make up products and now I'm sitting here with newly painted toenails. Maybe the last summer color for this season. All these little things make me feel a bit more like a woman and not only a good mother. And that feels bloody great.


  1. Heja Karin! Imorgon ska jag också ut och springa.

    Och det är så viktigt att göra de där små sakerna för en själv, och ändå glömmer man det alltför ofta. Jag var och färgade ögonfransar och bryn häromdagen (de blir helt osynliga på sommaren) och det var så lyxigt, i all sin enkelhet. Nästa gång blir det en ansiktsbehandling!

    Jag använder alltid bare minerals foundation - tycker den är fenomenal.

  2. Vad bra att du tycker om bare minerals, det var min hudterapeut som rekommenderade men man vet ju aldrig...
