Monday 19 March 2012

The first daycare incident...

As usual I went to get Lovisa at the daycare today just before 3 pm. I walked in and found one of the educators with some children from Lovisas group sitting in a playroom.This educator normally doesn't work in Lovisas group but today they were understaffed. Two of the ordinary staff was sick and the third one quit early on Mondays. The educator didn't know where Lovisas was but she thought she was in the next department. The children apparently had been split up since the daycare was understaffed. Me and the educator went to the next department, where a stand in educator was alone, in charge of the whole group. She never heard off somebody called Lovisa. Lovisa was no where to be found. For a minute or two panic spread. I could feel a big lump of fear building up inside. I wanted to cry and scream and all I said was "Are you kidding me? You seriously don't know where my daughter is?", and I could see that they really didn't know and they where really getting scared too. Then another educator from the third, and last, department shouted to us that Lovisa was there. Oh, the relief! I ran to Lovisa, held her in my arms and I didn't want to let go. I didn't say much to the educators. I just wanted to hold on to Lovisa and get the hell out of there...

It was only a few minutes that we didn't know where she was. But it was the worst minutes of my life...

Now, when everything settled a bit, I wrote an e-mail to the head of the daycare, explaining the occurred, demanding an explanation and that they look over their routines when children change departments temporarily. I emphasized that I didn't want to blame anyone particular but I never want to experience this again. I also asked her to call me tomorrow. Now remains to face and talk to the educators tomorrow... I really want Lovisa to be safe there. And right now it doesn't feel that great...

Lovisa on our way home from daycare, totally unaware about my upset feelings...

Bottom line: she's OK, she was OK the whole time. I just have to make sure she's going to be OK for the rest of her life... Phew...


  1. Åh vilken panik! Och den där insikten att man faktiskt inte kommer kunna skydda dem alltid... Den blir inte mindre när man får tonåringar kan jag meddela :) Skönt att allt gick bra.

    Tonårsmamman Katarina

  2. Ja huvaligen. Får tårar i ögonen av att läsa din historia, sånt där ska mammor faktiskt inte behöva vara med om. Nu håller jag alla tummarna att förskolan har bra ledning så att de kan komma tillrätta med problemet.
    Stor kram! Lena B

  3. Katarina: ja, det var för väl att det gick bra. Jag ser med fruktan fram emot tonårstiden, då sådana här incidenter förmodligen framstår som "gamla goda tiden" ;)!

    Lena: Har redan fått svar av rektorn via e-mail kl 06:30 imorse och jag fick känslan av att hon iaf tog det på största allvar...
