Monday 17 September 2012

Coma tired it was.

The whole family dead asleep until I woke up thinking it was very bright outside to be before 05:50 am (when my alarm usually wakes me up). Only it wasn't 05 am something but 07 am. 7 am I'm usually on my way to work. I hate to over sleep! I'm very punctual and there's no excuse to be late unless you got hit by the bus, your baby vomited all over you or your flight was cancelled... But to over sleep because your alarm on your mobile didn't ring is just... Pathetic!

Good thing I have the best boyfriend in the whole world that made me a sandwich that I can eat on my way... Couldn't somebody just cancel Monday mornings permanently?


  1. Måndagar är veckans bästa dag. Då är det som allra längst till nästa måndag. ;-)

  2. Aha, du tänker så... Ja, det gäller ju att vara positiv, speciellt på måndagar!
