Sunday 17 April 2011

+ 4 days...

I'm a ticking bomb both mentally and physically. The worst part is not knowing. Is it going to start in 1 hour or 1 week? Nobody knows. Early Friday morning I thought it was something going on, I had almost regular contractions for 2 hours but then it disappeared. 

I know I'm suppose to keep calm, rest a lot and eat good but it's starting to be hard. Family and friends are asking everyday "Is something happening? Do you feel anything?" and I don't know what to answer anymore. Of course I feel something - I'm as pregnant as you get! But if the delivery was starting i wouldn't be talking to them would I? 

So H and I tried some of the advice we got from you. He gave me a foot massage, although it turns out we have different opinion what a foot massage really is. H thinks it's rubbing lotion on my feet for 5 minutes and I think it takes a little more effort to give a good massage... Well, nothing happened. We also tried sex, nothing happened after that either, although it's a pretty nice way to spend your time while waiting :). Now I have a bottle of champagne in the fridge, we'll see just how desperate I'll get... STUBBORN BABY COME OUT NOW!!!! Mummy, daddy and Lovisa is waiting!

Lovisa is in a strange mood regarding her eating, just to bug me a bit more... Some days she doesn't want to eat anything, while other days she eats like she hadn't seen food for a week. One supper she decided just to have green peas so she had a big bowl of them. The day after she pooped 5 times. And she's a real pain to change now a days, she rolls around like a snake and can't be still for 5 seconds....

 Icecream and fresh berries always goes down...

Pancakes with cream and raspberries always goes down to, she wont starve that's for sure!


  1. Oh det är inte lätt att vänta, min bästis gick också över tiden men i torsdags kom så äntligen en liten Sixten ut.. Precis som med triss, plötsligt händer det! ;-)

  2. Ja, precis så är det ju men det är så jobbigt att inte veta när! Kontrollfreak som jag är...
