Sunday 19 February 2012

Good little housewife...

The kids are now teething AND have a nasty cold. So the whining have increased and it's now quite impossible to get them ready to go outside without sweating, swearing and screaming... Lovisa has her pacifier constantly (so much for our "rule" - only to give her the pacifier before nap time or bed time,) if we try to take it away from her she screams hysterically and throws herself on the floor. This is why I'm a bit impressed that I managed to bake "semlor" today of all days since H is on a meeting and I'm alone with the rascals. That was exactly what I needed, a delicious "semla"! I even made the almond paste myself - good little housewife!

So good and so filling!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite, Swedish delight mmmmmmmmmmmm the best i tasted very hard to beat!
