Thursday 11 August 2011


,Bilder föreställer olika hjälpmedel vid amningsproblem.

I'm sitting here in my little bubble of breastfeeding. Boobs are still sore but maybe it's a little bit better? I'm looking for pros and cons regarding this amazingly beautiful experience that I probably do for the last time of my life and realizes it's a big thing. To breastfeed or not... One study recently published shows that your child might have a higher IQ if you breastfeed. Other studies also shows a minor risk for your child to develop asthma or allergies if you breastfeed. It's also less costly than formula. But as one writer truly expressed, then the time of a breastfeeding woman is worth nothing? Because breastfeeding takes time! And time is money!
Andréa eats about 8 times in 24 hours. Each feeding takes about 20 minutes (sometimes more, sometimes less) and including the preparation and cleaning of the nipple shield, say each feeding takes 30 minutes. That means I'm spending 4 hours a day breastfeeding. That's half a working day. That's expensive! Now, I don't say that formula is cheaper, but it's easier to share the feedings with your partner or other family members.
But which mother wants to feel that your child might have a slightly lower IQ, higher risk of allergies and asthma because you chose not to breastfeed? Are these studies made to make women feel more guilty and despite difficulties and stress keep on breastfeeding? In every breastfeeding related information I read (and I read quite a few) tells you that breastfeeding is the best both for your baby and yourself! But if you choose not to breastfeed don't feel guilty! Yeah right!


  1. hej, i do have to say something to this.....
    i have also read this studies, which are just that, studies. Until now no one has been able to actually prove that lower IQ and allergies could be caused by not breastfeeding. my son for example has not been ill at all for the 20 months he has been alive but his best friend who was breasfeed has both allergies and is ill all the time. I do think breasfeeding seems nice and all who wants to do that should, as well as people who choose not to or cant.
    When i gave birth to theodore, at the hospital the breastfeeding nurse who helped people tp breasfeed also helped people who did not, that was brilliant!!! I do get told off and get dirty looks for not breastfeeding but i am as loving and there for my child as mothers who do breastfeed.

    By the way, love your blogg Karin = ) !!!

    hoppas allt ar bra med er i nya huset!
    kram maarit

  2. Hi Maarit!
    Yes, they're certainly debatable, these studies... And I also have a colleague that breastfed one of her daughters and gave the other daughter formula. The daughter that she breastfed had all kinds of infections and has allergies while the other daughter always been very healthy, so it doesn't seem to be any guarantee that your child is going to be more protected only because you breastfeed.
    I wrote this post because I'm so tired of the whole debate. And it sucks that this matter still is such a big source of "bad conscience" in our modern society.
    Very good that your hospital gave both options without questioning your choice! And of course your as loving as any breastfeeding mum!

    Huset är super! Dock fortfarande renoveringskaos, inte så kul med 2 små men det blir sakta, sakta bättre.

    Varm kram Karin

  3. Hej vännen! Själv undviker jag att läsa "mammatidningar" med studier och "goda råd" då alla har åsikter och "rätt". Känn efter vad DU verkligen mår bra av att göra, då tror jag att både du och dina barn mår bra. Lyssna bara på dom som du vill ta råd av, du är ju en supersmart kvinna och så välutbildad själv inom sjukvården så du har ju både fakta och din egen magkänsla att gå på. Själv tycker jag det ska bli spännande att se hur det går att amma Malte eller ej då jag t.ex inte kunde amma när jag var bebis och visst blev jag ett mycket välartat exemplar ;-)
