Thursday 26 May 2011

Bloody stubborn kid!

I'm going insane. Lovisa drivs me and H CRAZY!!! She refuses to go to sleep at night. This has been going on since we came back from Sweden but has accelerated from being a bit annoying to be totally exhausting. Usually I put her to bed but since Andréa arrived H and me have shared pretty equally, depending on if Andréa needs to be fed or be carried around (sometimes she's only content with me). Maybe it's just that, Lovisa feels that I'm not there 100%?

This is how we ususally do it: around 7:30 pm she takes her bath. We calm her down by watching a movie or reading a book. We give her warm milk in the bottle and then it's bedtime. Usually around 8:30 pm. She normally goes to sleep in 10-20 minutes. Now it takes at least 1 hour. She goes manic. She playes, sings, talk, cuddle with her toto's, runs around all over the second floor etc etc. She's not upset or sad but just totally crazy and insanely energetic. Of course it ends with H and me being pissed and Lovisa being sad, upset and way to tired. We're all tired. It's exhausting having a newborn on top of this.

Any tips?

She's driving us all mad! Good for her she's such a sweetie pie... Here in her sister's bassinet...

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