Sunday 15 May 2011

Back to life, back to reality...

We're back in beautiful, green Montreal and finally in our house with our stuff! And we're so tired! Lovisa is being a real rascal, jet-laged and confused over everything that happened the last few months. Abandoned by her mother, moved to Sweden, got a little sister and now back in Montreal. She's frustrated that I'm not there for her 100% and I have a bad conscience. Tonight I dreamt  a squirrel ate her when I wasn't paying attention. Andréa is eating me up, especially during the nights... She doesn't want to sleep alone so she's almost constantly sleeping in my arms or in the carrier, making it almost impossible for me to do anything with Lovisa. I've been debating for months if I should keep Lovisa in daycare or let her be home with us but for the time being I've decided to let her go to daycare. It would be impossible right now to stimulate her with Andréa eating and sleeping on me... Oh, if I only could split myself in two...


  1. Oh, my dear. A big hug to you, you need it! As comfort I can tell you that the bad conscience comes with having more than one child. It is part of the whole deal, I tell you! And Lovisa will soon get used to her new life as a big sister with it's pros and cons (mostly cons right now, more pros as time goes by). You know they will be pseudo twins and she will not remember life before Andrea. And that is ok!

    And Karin don't forget that our children are the most privileged of all. They have a roof over their heads, food on the table, loving mom, loving dad. So, so many kids all over the world are worse off and if the worst thing thing that happened to you when you are 1,5 years old are the things you just mentioned you are a lucky child indeed. Right?!

    Would you like to have me visit this week? Talk a little? Or we'll do it later.

  2. Your so wise! Indeed, our children are privileged and it's comforting to know I'm not alone with my guilty conscience.
    Left you an answer about getting together on fb.
    Big hug back!
