Friday 27 May 2011

The best diet ever?

Having a baby and breastfeeding it have to be one of the best diets ever! Yesterday I was able to eat 3 pieces of apple pie with vanilla sauce (!) and still loose some weight. One month after the delivery I'm basically back to my "ideal" weight. That you actually have to get pregnant, gain weight and give birth might have some disadvantages for the advertisement for this particular diet...

Eat 3 pieces of this and loose weight!

That doesn't mean that my body is in the same shape though... Hips are wider, skin is a bit looser... BUT, my toe nails are fixed, old flaky color gone, new summery pink on!

One month after the delivery


  1. You look amazzzzing honey (som vanligt)!

  2. Well, thank you :)! Känner mig väl inte så amazing men inser förstås att jag har lättare än de flesta att förlora gravidkilon...

  3. nicetits love to have your panties
