Monday 4 June 2012

An update regarding our sleep, part 2.

So far, so good. She sleeps better, it's no doubt about that. She falls asleep on her own, without the soother, wakes up 2-3 times during the night but falls back to sleep on her own two times out of three I would say. She naps one time during the day and falls asleep on her own without her soother and sleeps around 2 hours.

It still feels weird not to run in to her room as soon as I hear her, to look for the soother and check on her. Unfortunately, I don't sleep very well anyway. It takes forever to fall asleep and I wake up several times during the night, it's like my whole body still is prepared to rush up. And of course I wake up as soon as I hear her but I don't go in right away and just after a few minutes she usually falls back to sleep. I figure it might take a while for me to be able to sleep a whole night through. It's been almost three years with a lot of more or less sleepless nights. I just hope my brain understands that it doesn't have to be in red alert mood all the time...

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