Tuesday 12 June 2012

No Lenny for me.

I'm alone with the girls since their father decided to go and see Lenny Kravitz. This makes me a bit jealous because I listened to Lenny quite a lot during a period off my life and I wouldn't mind seeing him in concert. But that's life right now, give and take.

Instead Lovisa and I baked a chocolate- banana cake for tomorrows summer party at the daycare. It was fun.

After that I tried to cook supper while Lovisa tried to watch Pingu on DVD, it didn't go to well since her little sister insisted on turning the DVD off all the time. After I shouted "stop turning the bloody DVD off!" for the 10th time Lovisa quietly told Andréa "now mum's angry". That was it, no more Pingu.

Now I tried to get a stubborn Lovisa to sleep and when she finally gave in Andréa started to cough terribly (she has a cold, probably her 25th one this year) and woke up crying. Usually I wouldn't go to her right away but since she's sick I went in to check on her. She pooped, bloody typical. So off with the PJ, trying to find diapers and wet-wipes in the dark bedroom only to find out it was probably just a fart because I sure couldn't find any poop. There, that really woke her up!

In the middle of this chaos H was kind enough to send me an MMS. A blurry picture of Lenny. Thank you very much. Over and out.


  1. Åh, är lillskruttan förkyld igen. Hon har varit mycket sjuk kraken. Alla dagisbaskilusker som storasyster drar hem kan man tro. Fördelen att hon varit mycket sjuk nu är att du förhoppningsvis slipper vabba så mycket när du börjar jobba i höst!
    Kram Lena B

  2. Ja hon har varit mycket sjuk. Jag hoppas verkligen hon inte blir lika sjuk till hösten, hon borde ju ha lite antikroppar mot olika virus nu tycker jag. Men nu var det faktiskt någon månad sedan hon var sjuk så det var väl dags igen :(. Hon har iaf ingen feber, bara snorig och hostig.
