Thursday 5 April 2012

Some people are just plain morons.

I had a really rough day and was taking the metro home after picking up Lovisa from daycare. We were arguing because Lovisa refused to listen to me and basically did everything to get me pissed off. Usually I take the elevator from the platform to the exit but today I decided to take the escalator with Andréa in the stroller and Lovisa by my side. The reason was to try to make peace with Lovisa since I know she loves taking the escalator. This turned out to be a bad move since Lovisa didn't obey me when I asked her to hold my hand but instead, all excited to take the escalator, ran ahead and tried to take it herself. Now, the station was full with people and I couldn't just leave the stroller and run after her (she was just a few meter ahead) and when it was her turn to get on she fell on her bum and was sitting, blocking the whole escalator. A little line up formed behind her as I struggled my way through to reach Lovisa and pick her up. Instead of helping us people just starred and a middle aged woman turned to what I presume was her husband and said, loud and clear, "How the hell can you be so stupid to force your child to go alone on the escalator. Poor kid!" and then she squeezed herself before us and went up the escalator. I'm convinced she saw that Lovisa ran on her own will and against mine (I was shouting at her not to take the escalator alone) but she had to say this in front of everyone, making me feel like a bad mother and making the whole situation much worse than it really was.

A few days later I came up on this article about a mother that forced her 3 year old son to smoke a cigarette and drink beer. And I just want to cry. And if I could I would shove this article in that middle aged woman's face and say "Here, this is stupid!" Some people are just plain morons.


  1. Vilket ärkenöt du träffade på!! När man är stressad nog i situationen är personer som hon, de sista man vill möta.

  2. Ärkenöt var rätta ordet!
