Borrowing this list from my friend
1. What did you do 10 years ago?
My god, I have to think now! I worked in my hometown Karlskoga, on my second year as a biomedical scientist, lived a settled life with my ex boyfriend, planning for the future containing marriage, children, work... Little did I know that non of that ever was going to happen (with him)!
2. What did you do 1 year ago?
I was as pregnant as you can get, 4 days over due and going a bit
manic to say the least. Hubert and Lovisa had joined me in my hometown, we were living in my mothers apartment and just waiting for the baby!
3. Five snacks that you like?
Five!? I don't think there are 5 different snacks that I actually like but my favorite are salted peanuts. I eat the whole ones first and the half ones last for some strange reason. I also like potato chips, preferably plain salted or sour cream and onion. My number one favorite of all unhealthy things is chocolate but I doubt that qualify as a snack?
4. Five songs you know the lyrics to?
I'm pretty good with lyrics... It gets stuck in my head easily.
Talkin' bout a revolution (Tracy Chapman),
Ironic (Alanis Morissette),
Om du lämnade mig nu (Lars Winnerbäck),
Friends (The Rembrandts) and
Himlen runt hörnet (Lisa Nilsson) are the first ones that comes to mind.
5. Five things you would do if you became a multi millionare?
Bye a condo in Stockholm, imagine having a house in Montrael, a summer house in Sept-Iles and a condo here - yes!
Fix my eyes with laser so I wont have to wear glasses
Travel, travel, travel
Bye a car (it is easier to have a car when you have two children...)
Spend more time with the family and less time at work
6. Five bad habits
A bit of a control freak
It doesn't take much to get me in a bad mood in the morning
I worry to much and create problems that's not really a problem just yet (if you know what I mean)
I poke my nose when I think I'm alone and nobody sees me
I drink coffee instead of water (my poor dehydrated body!)
7. Five things that you wouldn't wear or buy
A fur (no, not even a fake one!)
String bikini - a big no, no!
Expensive jewelry (I would wear them but not buy them)
Pre-made pancakes
Liver, simply because I have no idea what to do with it...
8. Five favorite toys
Nope, no toys for me... I leave that to the children.