Sunday, 24 February 2013

WE'RE MOVING! Twice...

After living in a business apartment for over a year it's about time to move on. We knew for some time that we couldn't stay here and it's never been a permanent home for us so it felt natural to look for something else. After a few months of looking around, swearing about the house prices in the Stockholm area (it is SICK, SICK, SICK!) we finally bought a nice little house northwest of the city and we're moving in the 22nd of March. We're all so excited! It's just a tiny detail, we only have this apartment until end of February so for 22 days we're staying with good friends not to far from here... So we have a small adventure ahead, first trying out life in a collective living and then in our own, new house in the suburb.

Meanwhile I'm trying to get rid of a nasty cold while eating up all our goodies in the fridge/freezer (I mean the less to bring the better - right?)...


  1. Men åh, grattis! Vad kul med husköp! Själva flytten är ju bara skitdrygt, men vad bra det kommer bli när ni väl är på plats.
    Så nu har ni hus på två kontinenter, coolt! Blir det Sverige nu forever, eller hur ser planerna ut? Man måste förövrigt inte ha något svar på den frågan...det har inte jag ;) Kram Lena B

  2. Tack! Det känns så bra att flytta till eget! Och nää, jag har inget svar på din fråga, vi håller den öppen ;)...
