Sunday 27 November 2011

Eventful advent!

To get the kids to understand that we now are living according to Swedish time wasn't so easy. Today they finally fell asleep before 8 pm. Both of them. It's been a lot going on this weekend. Andréa decided to learn how to sit on herself yesterday and we're all excited about that! Imaging, Lovisa was crawling and standing up if she held on to something at 7 months (not that I complain, on the contrary, I'm very happy Andréa is a bit more of a baby for a longer time, I know I'll run my butt of the minute she decides to crawl or walk!). It's strange how different siblings can be.

Look at me! Sitting all by myself!

After a visit to good old "systembolaget" (the place you buy your booze in Sweden) I was all happy, not only did I get a bottle of "glögg" (Swedish spiced wine that we drink around Christmas time) with taste of mocca and chocolate, I had to show my ID! Jesus, to think that there are people that somehow have a slight suspicion that I'm under 20 years old is hilarious! After all those sleepless nights! 

My dad and his wife was kind enough to bring my old Christmas box over, it's been standing in their storage since we moved to Montreal. So, after putting up some stars, drinking some "glögg", making a nice feta cheese salad and lighting the first candle (by putting a piece of paper on fire on the stove because we didn't have any matches) we got a bit of warm Christmas spirit. 

Happy first Advent!

By the way, do you think I should change the name of my blog now? And what on earth should I call it? It's not half as exotic with " En Värmlandstös i Hägersten", is it??


  1. Glad to hear your getting settled in nicely. Those little girls of ours are going to be on the move in no time. I'm hoping it won't be for a while yet. Love to all! x

  2. No they can wait for a few more months before they decide to move in any direction! It's enough running after the big one ;). Big hugs! xxx
