Wednesday, 5 December 2012

I'm happy...

I'm happy that somebody is using this. It's almost comical that I actually thought I would be doing a bit of exercise while H is gone. The truth is that when the girls go to bed I have to pick up the pieces and prepare for tomorrow and then I collapse...

I'm also very happy and thankful that my dad and his wife offered to stay with the girls tomorrow so I can work. Yes, it looks like Lovisa has the "hand, foot and mouth disease" as well...


  1. Oh no, hoppas Lovisa får en lindrig variant. Emmett var riktigt krasslig i 2 dagar men sedan gick det över. Och vad skönt att du har hjälp - guld värt. Kram till dig!

  2. Var det höstblåsor Emmett hade?
