Yesterday was Walpurgis night were we celebrate the spring by lighting up a fire, sing songs, dress way to little for the occasion (because it's always freezing on Walpurgis night but your so tired of thick winterclothes so you put on your way to thin spring jacket just to stand in front of the fire freezing your ass off waiting to go inside) and get drunk. We choose to dress very warm, stay sober and go home early. Maybe boring but very necessary for this tired, snotty family...
On our way to the fire and the sun is shining!
To celebrate spring you better be dressed for winter...
Lovisa had the best view...
And perhaps our little celebration of spring helped because today it really felt like it came, the first real warmth. We bought a barbecue and made both lunch and supper on it and the girls kept taking their clothes off... More days like this please!
Yesterday winter clothes, today sunhats and bare feet...
Cool blog and lovelly feeties. 🙂