Monday 23 July 2012

Sweet child of mine.

I often say to my girls that I love them. At least once a day, probably more. So I've kind of expected them to say it to me sooner or later. And yesterday Lovisa said it and it was one of these rare moments that I'll cherish forever and think back on when times are tough.

She was watching TV and first I heard her say to the TV "I love the TV!" and I was laughing to myself. Then she went to Andréa, gave her a big, hard hug and said "I love you Andréa!". Then she came to me and gave me one of those wonderful hard hugs and said "I love you mamma!". I got so happy that she said it 5 more times just to watch me smile. Sweet, sweet Lovisa.


  1. oh my, bless! hur fint ar inte det....charlie pratar massor nu, men bara om tag, bilar, trucks och planes.....
    inga i love yous...........
    kram maarit

  2. Åh, det kommer Maarit! Lovisa pratar annars mest om Pippi, morfar, Lena, katten Skorpan och alla kompisar. Och sen berättar hon gärna om när hon slagit sig. Om och om igen ;).
