Wednesday 28 December 2011

Greetings from the infirmary!

Oh, what a wonderful Christmas Eve we had! Reunited with my family, seeing my little, beautiful niece for the first time, watching her and Lovisa play together really made my mother heart warm. Everything was great until Andréa started vomiting around 10:30 pm on Christmas Eve. Since then it's been all about giving her enough fluid to avoid dehydration. And it's been pretty ruff. Now, 4 days later, she finally stopped vomiting but still has the diarrhea. And last night Lovisa vomited in her sleep and has now a bit of diarrhea... Bloody hell, it takes a lot of energy to handle sick kids and the worrying is definitely the worst! So my Christmas wish didn't come true, is it to daring to hope for a healthy New Years Eve?

Christmas Eve before the big outbreak! 
Do you miss Lovisa in this picture? She's actually there, the little blurry thing to the right, refusing to be in the picture...

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