Saturday 17 December 2011

End of an era

Until now I've insisted on breastfeeding Andréa in the morning. It's the only time she gets milk now. I've had a time rule which I've been very strict about holding on to. No milk before 5 am. My nurse said carefully to me, when I was complaining about the sleepless nights, that maybe Andréa needs something to eat earlier since she keeps waking up around 3-4 am every morning.

Andréa woke up at 3:30 am this morning. I changed her diaper. Cuddled with her a bit. Put her back in her crib. After 45 minutes of listening to her babbling, whining and tumbling around I just about had it. I went up, made a bottle of "välling" (google translate tells me "gruel" in english... well...) and fed her. She drank it all and fell asleep in a few seconds after that. So, she's probably hungry the little mouse. And my boobs are so tiny and the way she's been pulling and biting on them tells me there's not so much to get there anymore. So from now on it's gruel in the early morning, no more brestfeeding. It's with a bittersweet feeling I'm saying goodbye to brestfeeding. But now the time has come. My boobs are mine once again and I think it's really for the best. But I'm pretty proud considering all the problems I had this time. I did it for 8 months. It was 8 long months...

Andréa a couple of days old. Little did I know what a struggle I had ahead, but now it's over...


  1. Förstår att det känns sorgligt! Men vad bra att hon tog flaskan och kunde somna om efter det. Hoppas du kunde göra det samma! Kram Lena

  2. Ja vi kanske skulle ta oss en flaska välling du och jag?! Hoppas det inte var en engångsföreteelse... Kram!

  3. let me suck thattit slip my hand in your panties
