Friday 16 September 2011

The most stinky day...

...turned in to a wonderful one when Dr L called and told us that Lovisa is perfectly healthy! The examination at St Justine yesterday was hard for all of us. The ultrasound was a piece of cake but the VCUG was terrible. The staff was proffessional and nice but it doesn't really matter when the things they do to your daughter is more or less terrible. Lovisa was lying on her back with her arms above her head and they tied her hard to a narrow table so she couldn't move. I was standing above her head trying to calm her as much as possible. The hell began when they started to wash her genital with alcohol and after that they inserted the catheter in her urethra. Lovisa screamed and tried to get loose. It took two people just to hold her legs. After that ordeal they began to take x-ray pictures and filled her bladder with dye. At this point she'd calmed down but she was trembling and sobbing the poor thing. Then she was suppose to pee in a cup, still lying tied to the table. They pored water on her feet and lower abdomen to make her pee but that only got her upset again. They finally gave up and let her loose. Oh, what a relieve it was to take her in my arms! She peed on the toilet and then they had to take the last pictures. I thought she would freak out when I put her back on the table but she didn't say anything. This time they didn't restrain her. When it was over they gave her a sticker and she was all happy. A bit red eyed and tired but surprisingly happy. I hope she NEVER EVER have to go through this again. H and Andréa waited outside and it was terrible for H to hear Lovisa scream without knowing what was happening. Today she's been her old self, playing, laughing and being stubborn!

My hero

Today was a big day for little Andréa to. She tasted rice cereal. The first food ever! And it was yummie!

Mmmm - rice cereal!

I'm so, so tired now. It's hard to be calm and brave when your child is in agony. But the most important thing remains, she's healthy!


  1. Men fy sjutton - stackars Lovisa och stackars mamma! Sitter här med tårar i ögonen =( Det är nog inte förrän man blivit mamma själv som man kan förstå känslan. Är så tacksam att Emmett hittills varit frisk, inte ens en förkylning. Knock on wood. Stora kramar till er båda! Och jättegrattis till att tösen är frisk! Å du, gå och lägg dig!!! ;)
    Lena B

  2. Tack Lena! Det var skönt att sova trots att det tog en stund att komma till ro. Mycket tankar, varför är det så???

  3. Nämen usch, fy vilken dag, men så skönt att allt såg fint ut!

    /Frk M

  4. i would love to drink her warm pee
