My big girls playing "mamma, pappa, barn" (mum, dad, child)
Andréa started a new group for older children at the daycare and this means we don't need to bring her stroller every day and it's so nice to be able to cycle with the girls to and from daycare. Lovisa has a new big bike and she's been practicing to start and stop on her own and now she's getting the hang of it...
Andréa on Lovisa's old bike...
A happy soon to be 5-year-old!
One thing that is a sure sign that autumn has arrived is the yearly "surströmmingsskiva" at dads place that took place yesterday. "Surströmming" is the very special fermented herring that smells so bad that I can't take it in my mouth. But a party is always nice and the girls played with their cousin, I took a nice sauna and did my best to stay away from the party tent that smelled of that fermented herring...
Three party girls at dad's place...
Another sign of autumn are the daycare infections... This time Lovisa came down with a cold so instead of going to a wedding Lovisa and me are home today. To comfort ourselves we made a mug-cake in the microwave. Good, fast and very chocolaty! And hopefully very effective against nasty colds...
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